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    Yoga Tech is a form of mind body practice specifically designed for Leaders in Tech.





    How can Yoga Tech benefit entrepreneurs?


    Stress reduction


    YogaTech incorporates various breathing techniques, meditation, and physical postures that can help reduce stress and anxiety, which are common among entrepreneurs.

    Improved decision-making


    YogaTech helps to balance the nervous system, which can improve decision-making abilities and increase intuition. This can be particularly useful for entrepreneurs who need to make quick and informed decisions.

    Boost creativity

    YogaTech can stimulate creativity and enhance innovation by freeing up mental blocks and opening the mind to new ideas.

    Enhanced resilience

    YogaTech helps to build physical and emotional resilience, which can be crucial for entrepreneurs who face numerous challenges and setbacks in their work.


    What Founders Are Saying...

    Stress is an inherent part of entrepreneurship, without finding the rituals and ways to let go of the stress and reconnect to ourselves it can be unbearable. I think Kundalini is a great way to relieve stress and spend some time dedicated to yourself.


    - Arielle -

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    “Starting a company is like jumping off a cliff and assembling a plane on the way down”

    Reid Hoffman

    I'm Nurit Shevi

    Serial Entrepreneur | Kundalini Yoga TeacherStart Up Mentor | Stress to Vitality Coach | Founder of YogaTech

    The daily experience of leading a startup involves dealing with constant uncertainty and stress, it is natural that you become more of a human doing then a human being.

    In order to retrieve the balance one can tap into the ancient knowledge of Kundalini yoga that gives us endless proven tools to become more mindful and acquire a deeper sense of self knowledge.

    I am a Serial tech entrepreneur and Kundalini yoga teacher, with over 20 years of experience leading and mentoring start ups, as well as practicing and teaching yoga.

    Bridging the gap between tech, entrepreneurship and body mind awareness, to harness and empower innovation.

    Encouraging entrepreneur to move beyond their comfort zone and into deeper more connected state to allow the transformation of stress into vitality.

  • FAQs

  • Services

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    6 Session Course

    Backed by ZELL entrepreneurship program, 6 weekly sessions in which acquire tools to manage: Uncertainty, Stress, Relationships, Communication and Vision through body mind awareness.

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    2hr Workshop

    Introduction to YogaTech and how it helps build awarness and create space for your teams, perfect for team building and stepping outside the daily routine.

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    1:1 Coaching

    From Stress to Vitality, private session with entrepereneurs to learn how one can release stress so that you can bring their best selves to the daily experience of running a Startup company.

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    Any Questions?